Rituals can be thought of as a sort of compliance to ideals, satisfaction of emotional needs, strengthening of social bonds, demonstration of respect or sometimes just obtaining social acceptance or approval and sometimes just for the ritual itself. If kayaking were a religion, I more times than not think it may be, then our fresh water cleansing would be one of its rituals for all the reasons mentioned. It is ironic that it in someways may mimic those of a religious religion. I am certainly not religious in the since of the God implications and traditional religions, but can honestly find spirituality in kayaking.
Kayaking continues, in my experience, to bring people together in such a positive way and for such a positive purpose, which may be very individualized depending on the person but that is the beauty of it all, you can still maintain your own individual kayaking mentality but still belong or be part of the "kayaking community". I know I express my skills differently than the next kayaker but there still has to be basic similarities because that is the nature of the sport itself there are still rules and laws that involve organization as much as it does physics and, humanity as much as it does the environment and psychology.
So as I put lights on my Christmas Tree as part of yearly ritual owning in itself to a religion of which I have long since been removed, I feel somewhat hypocritical, but at the same time enlightened in knowing that a kayaking "religion" of sorts I have made over the years for myself may as well be celebrated and seek thanks to the kayaking Gods for providing me and my good friend Tony, and all kayakers in our community, with another safe paddling year. Joyous Kayak! This is a shot of Tony heading for our paddling ritual. The beauty of the spot lends itself to the fulfilment of the task.
Interesting piece today Stan. Reminds me of a friend who decorated her un-skinned sof which was leaning up in her living room corner. It was a perfect holiday 'tree' and of course showed off her kayaking 'spirit' perfectly!
A smashingly good piece that seperates religion from spirituality. I like your fresh water ritual in which you rinse off the salt that belongs to the sea and let it return to where it needs to be.
You are so right Stan. Another ritual is a greeting handshake. To me it says "good to see you". Used to be in days of yore that the handshake showed you weren't armed with a sword! That's how rituals develop.
What started out as a convenient way to clean off the kayak now feels to me like dessert at the end of a meal.
Tony :-)
It is maybe just that the wisdom I get from other bloggers and the alternative insight into the the same sport, may simply be that of "the kayak prophets" those with the wisdom, the experience and the knowledge to impart their views and share their experiences in the world that is "KAYAKING". The blogs according to Michael, Silbs, Dereck and Tony all provide enlightened reading on a daily basis. Much more than any other activity that demands my constant attention. A wonderful arena of positivity and support for a common interest. Thanks for the generous comments . Paddle Safe and PAddle Often...... :-)
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